In every country there are turning points in their History.
For the USA contrary to general belief it is not the tragedy of 9/11
that was a turning point or a defining moment in its history, it was
the second war
against Iraq led by President Bush Junior and his team of advisers.
This unnecessary war has turned the world against the USA.
Before this war the vast majority of people admired or liked the USA.
After this war the vast majority of people disliked or hated the USA.
How did we get there?
The analysis and explanation are described in the following articles:
From the desk of Eric Lafayette
Los Angeles, January-February 2004
World War I is well known and lasted 4
years form 1914 to 1918 and can be summarized as a war between so called
civilized nations with the main aggressor been what we know now as Germany
and the main defenders been the Allies: France and England with the
help of the USA who came late in the war but tipped the balance of military
manpower and decisively gave the Victory to the Allies.
World War I will be remembered by its continuous slaughter on both sides
of men charging machine guns positions and been decimated for the gain
of a few hundred yards. It will be remembered by a stagnant front of
men digging and living constantly in muddy and filthy trenches and for
the first time poison gas were used in a large scale in warfare.
World war II still fresh in the memory of many older people lasted 6
years from 1939 to 1945 and can be summarized as a war of conquest by
a country; Germany led by a fanatical Nazi dictator: Adolph Hitler.
Germany main allies were: Italy, Turkey and Japan.
The Defenders were the Allies: mainly France, England and later in the
war the USA.
World War II will be remembered by the Genocide committed against the
Jews by Hitler as part a Racist doctrine of Hitler Nazi doctrine.
The first Heavy use of aerial bombardment generating millions of civilian
casualties. The dawn of a strong communist Russia who joined the allied
quite late.
The attack by Japan on the USA at Pearl harbor and the enormous amount
of human lives losses - 55 millions - even without counting the Atomic
bombs used for the first time and witch ended World War II . The Allied
fought together a difficult war but won the war in a very decisive manner
having almost destroyed their opponents.
Although the cold war was not labeled by the public World war III it
was a world war defined by the fight between two doctrines: Communism
against Capitalism.
This translated by a series non stop conflicts for roughly 50 years
and the most well known are the Korean war, the Vietnam war and the
Afghanistan fighting against the soviet empire and countless African
wars. Very often the big power will use other nations or factions to
fight the war as proxies. The US used the Taliban to fight against soviet
troupes in Afghanistan. The Soviet empire and China used North Korea
to fight against the American and their allies.
The Soviet union also intervened in Europe to repress with tanks peaceful
demonstrations in Eastern Europe. Stalin is accused of killing more
that 17 millions of his own subjects
Although it is not well known either. the war between Communism and
Democracy values generated tens and tens of millions of deaths in dozens
of countries around the word and by this number unfortunately the Cold
war deserves the name of World war III.
An important matter is that as well as World war II was driven by an
Ideology, Fascism-Nazism. World war III was driven by The Ideology
of Communism- Socialism.
World war IV was started by President Georges Bush Junior.
People believe due to heavy brain washing by President Bush and his
adviser that the 9/11 terrorist murderous attack in New York was in
part initiated by Saddam Hussein. Even president Bush had reluctantly
admitted that Saddam Hussein was not at all responsible of the 9/11
attack. However the lie supported by a heavy campaign of brain washing
worked very well because two years after the attack 50% of the American
People believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible too for the 9/11
attack, soon after the attack and just before the war against Saddam
Hussein 70% of American.believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible
too for the 9/11 attack
President Bush had successfully by blatant lies linked two completely
different threat towards the USA.
One very real the Taliban in Afghanistan and Al queida terrorist in
Afghanistan and around the world with a completely made up threat by
President Bush; the so called threat by Saddam Hussein who according
to President Bush and his adviser had weapons of mass destructions and
was going to have in a matter of months nuclear weapons.
After the 9/11 attack the entire world was with and behind the USA.
In going to war against Afghanistan's Taliban the entire world including
all Muslim Nations was with the United Sates.
Almost never in his history had the USA had so much support around the
The USA was a martyr Nation that went to war to punish the criminal
and won a very conclusive victory.
What was not to love about America, the brave martyr nation that rose
and defeated criminals.
The 9/1 terrorist attack never started world war IV.
On the contrary it gave the USA the admiration and support of the entire
world for going after the Terrorist.
You cannot when you have enemy ask for a better situation that when
you feel that all the government in the world are with you and more
importantly 90% of the people around the world are with you too.
Today 80% of the Muslim population are either hating the USA or ready
to help, harbor or support any terrorist willing to kill Americans or
People who help American or People who are allied with American.
These 80% of Muslim people are all over the world in dozen of countries
and represent three times in number the population of the USA.
These is truly a world war. On one side the USA and their allies on
the other side the Muslim world who was in its vast majority NOT against
the USA.
but is now in with its Muslim extremists with their hundred of Millions
of Muslims sympathizers.
We have now an Ideology - the Muslim religion represented by Muslim
people - against another ideology - Judeo Christian capitalist Ideology
- represented mainly by the USA.
We have violent deaths within these two groups all over the world.
This war will go on for decades
We have World War IV!
President Bush lead the USA into World War IV.
Instead of capitalizing on the good will and Sympathy generated by the
3000 deaths on September 11, Good will and sympathy that was all over
the world including the Majority of the Muslim Government.
President Bush went into an unnecessary war totally disapproved by all
Muslim Leaders all over the world.
From almost every friend that the USA had among people in the Muslim
word, President Bush had made an Enemy.
In the Western world such as Europe from almost every sympathizer the
US had among people in the Western world, President Bush has made an
Is it a war that involve a lot of nations?
Yes more than 35 according to the White house reports. So it is a world
If you includes besides the Nation part of the US coalition Nations
that have harbored terrorists and let them kill American soldiers and
western civilians then it is much more that 35 nations.
The frightening part is that the American extraordinary military might
is ill suited for a war against terrorism. Most of the Hardware the
American army is using is totally inefficient. For example : armed Humvee
blow up easily killing their soldier passengers. On the other hand the
most powerful airplanes and rockets and large guns are of little use
to capture or kill a couple of terrorist here and a couple of terrorist
The most striking feature of President Bush is that he is very goods
at turning People and countries into enemies of the USA but incredibly
incapable at making friends among other people around the Word.
There is no other President in the recent History in the USA that has
made so many enemy of the People around the world and so few friends.
However the indisputable fact is that you do not win against terrorism
with big hardware but with the intelligence given to you by your friends
and by your friends arresting terrorist plotting against you in a part
of the world you have very little influence upon.
The distressing part is that President Bush by not solving the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict and attacking Iraq has created hatred among the
Muslim word that will last generations. Young Americans that are barely
born and even the one not born will suffer all their life from the horrible
decision made by President Bush.
President Bush when the USA had barely a handful of enemy and billions
of Friends has lead the USA into a world where the USA has only a handful
of friends and billions fog enemies. This War situation will last for
generations similar to the Cold war situation which lasted for generations.
This is President Bush legacy: World war IV
Eric Lafayette
Bush, Chirac, Schroeder and Putin
From the desk of Eric Lafayette
Los Angeles
December 2003/ February 2004
President Bush's government excluded France, Germany and Russia from
bidding on contracts to rebuild Iraq. These reconstruction contracts
were financed by American taxpayers.
President Bush said the contracts should go to the countries that went
to war alongside the USA putting "their soldiers in harm's way
alongside the American soldiers."
What is wrong with that? it makes perfect sense if you do not try to
see the whole picture.
The wording of the exclusion begins to reveal how retaliatory and cheaply
vindictive this move is because it characterizes the exclusion of France,
Germany and Russia as being a security threat for the USA. It is gratuitous
slander. It is also selective memory because from the beginning and
as of today there are French and German and Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan
who are in harm's way alongside the American soldiers.
What was the reaction of the two idiots: France and Germany? They stated
that they will analyze international law. How stupid is that reaction
when you are confronting the Big Bad Wolf? President Bush's answer was
swift. He made fun of the two idiots saying that he may have "to
call his lawyers" President Bush, as every genuine Bully does,
has always made fun of international law and treaties and he treats
the United Nations as a cumbersome, stupid body.
His response indicates his contemptuous attitude and perfectly defines
his feelings toward the law which is: The only law I recognize is the
Law of the strongest which means I have proven beyond a reasonable doubt
that force and war are my first and favorite option around the world
as well as inside the USA.
The International Law argument of France and Germany seems somewhat
moronic in a discussion with President Bush, your basic bully who does
not even want to recognize International Law or international treaties.
What did the Fox do? He did not scream, did not make noise, did not
argue about being excluded from the list. He simply made a statement
reaffirming that Iraq owed Russia eight billion dollars and that Russia
had no intention of forgiving the debt. He did not yield one inch, giving
himself ample room to maneuver in the future.
President Putin is from a country where the law was the law of the strongest.
He has great experiences with bullies because all his predecessors took
power after a bully struggle.
He did not argue on the reconstruction contracts of which the bulk was
going to be awarded to American companies anyway. He is holding a major
card: an indisputable debt of 8 billion dollars which may be hard to
recover but which he will transform into a rescheduled sound debt of
perhaps a fraction of the original amount.
He is right not to be upset because, by going to war against Iraq without
the support of international bodies such as the UN, the USA has alienated
all the Arab countries in the world and major contracts in almost any
Arab country other than Iraq will go to non-American companies. Evidence
of this is a huge contract for oil search signed between Putin's Russia
and the Saudi government. It was an unthinkable thing before the last
Iraq war. This contract with a very rich country was basically handed
to Russia because of President Bush's policy.
In Afghanistan, the German, French and American flags fly side by side
in many joint military buildings, operations or small posts. True to
their words and friendship these European nations as well as Canada
put their soldiers' lives in the line of fire in order to support their
friend and ally the USA. This unequivocal commitment of support did
not deter the Bush, Rumsfeld and company from debasing these same friends
in calling them "old nations" and treating them as "a
security threat for the USA."
The president's mockery of international law in the comment "I
should call my lawyers" is an extremely important insight into
Mr. Bush's vision of how to govern by being above the law and regarding
Dictatorship above Democracy.
Eric Lafayette
L A 04/15/2003 - E L
war leads to war:
History tells us that there are three main scenarios
about war when two nations or group of nations are involved.
Number one: the most recent in history; World
war II and the war against native Indians in the united States.
They are very similar in their outcome for the losing nations:
Unconditional surrender was one perquisite, the other perquisites were
total destruction of the Army, massive destruction of the Industry or
the means of living, and massive casualties in the civilian population,
occupation of the countries for a long time, seven years to infinity.
In the military campaign, no stone were left unturned which mean
that each and every country or tribe no matter what part of the world
or what part of their world they lived was thoroughly defeated to the
point of having no more means to survive without help from the victors.
By destroying all their industry and means of living, the victors: the
US and their allied had brought these Nations to a state of complete
dependency upon them.
Then they showed the Carrot; which was money through the Marshall plan
for the Nazis and Fascists and although very slow in coming food and
funds for the Indian Nations.
The most important effect this money had was to keep the vanquished
people busy in reconstructing their country instead of being starving
and idle having all the time in their hand to muster resentment and
hatred for the victors.
The Indians Nations were not graced buy a Marshall plan but were way
too weak to pose a challenge and a Marshall plan would have been a much
better solution for them.
However the bottom line is that the victors had thoroughly
annihilated the Army and vitals elements of these Nations, it was total
war with absolute victory.
These examples are successful example from the point of view of the
victors such as the USA because there is no more hint of war with these
Nations even far away on the horizon.
To replicate these successes with the Iraq middle East situation, the
USA should go to war with Syria and Iran in order to leave no stone
unturned and no hostile nations left with any army or vital signs
Number two: the Great Empires based on conquests
by military might: Alexander the Great empire, Rome empire, Napoleon
Empire, Hitler empire, Great Britain Empire, The Soviet Empire.
This one is easy to characterize, one war was leading
to another war which was leading to another war and so on.
There was always one war or multiple wars in one part of these Empires
even when fought through proxy Nations with Soviet military advisers
as it was the case with the Soviet Union.
From the point of view of land conquest and temporay durability, some
were successful; Rome and Great Britain some were not; Napoleon and
In the absolute however none of these Empires are here today and more
importantly each and every of the mother Nation of these Empires is
a weak or average Nation.
But from the modern point of view which is the point of view of an absolute
majority of the American people who want to leave in a state of peace
and not perpetual war; No Empire was successful.
To avoid these problem of being an imperialistic country
with one war leading to another, the USA should not have gone to
war in Iraq without the approval of the UNITED NATIONS or should not
have gone to war at all.
Number three: The recent and modern way to create
peaceful environment and a peaceful coalition of Nations is to avoid
war when not attacked and solve problems through the United Nations.
The USA was unjustly attacked on September 11 2000 , the USA went to
war against the attacker Taliban- Afghanistan, thoroughly defeated them
with the very strong support of the entire world including most Muslim
Nations.The USA came out of this war with the admiration and respect
of the rest of the word.
On the other hand when not attacked modern countries have shown that
peace could be established among many countries and that was very evident
in the last decades.
The European community is an Example, the coming union
between the USA, Canada and Mexico another one. The Union between South
and central American countries another one. It has worked and it is
working. From Nations constantly at war in previous centuries a peaceful
union has been achieved.
The world was in an unique state before the war in Iraq,
the world was very close to achieve peace on almost all the planet now
that the Soviet Empire had fallen.
Before the fall the Berlin wall the whole planet
was divided by the cold war and by the Israeli- Arab war.
After the fall of the Berlin wall and the Camp David accords and the
Oslo Accords between Israel and Arab Palestinians Nations, the foundations
to build a lasting peace among almost all the Nations in the world were
at hands.
There was a crucial choice facing the Bush administration:
Use the conservative approach which is in American understatement for
old fashion politic and go the ancient ways and wage war against the
Muslim word or
Go the modern ways or recent ways and go through the United Nations
and weapons inspectors system, nurture the support of the Arab Muslim
Nations and establish a long lasting peace in the world with only very
small localized conflict.
The Bush administration chose to wage war against the
Muslim Arab world.
The drastic choice by the Bush administration to wage war against the
Arab-Muslim word and that is the Perception that the Arab Muslim word
has, had obliterated a long period of peace that could have lasted
for decades. Instead we have now a super power that is probably
willing to wage war on Syria and Iran but will probably not wage war
on these two countries and thus left unfinished business to be cleaned
up by the next Presidents and the generations to come.
If war has not been waged, Democracy trough peaceful action through
the UNITED Nations would have been given a chance to expand its appeal.
Therefore the Bush Administration has fueled by attacking a nation which
was not a threat to the USA a new Era of unrelenting although small
terrorism against the American People and that for generation to come.
President Bush has replaced the Era of the cold war with the Era of
constant terrorism against the American People.
Foot note
The following are hypothesis that
history did not teach us, they have to be tested:
We can lay out some elements and watch which one are going to be implemented
in the following decades:
First and above all we can with quite a bit of certainty
assume that People if not under heavy propaganda do not want war because
today barring war in the distant future with China or India who need
space to sustain their gigantic population and the African tribal wars
similar to the ones in the pre middle age, People do not want war.
There are very busy trying to struggle making a living or trying to
buy their third video stereo.
On one hand the model of American materialistic society spreading across
the world has an advantage it focus energy on acquiring goods and more
goods thus keeping people away from Ideologies. On the other hand when
not successful as it is in third world poor countries it open the door
to all sort of replacement ideologies such as extreme fundamental religion.
If the people do not want war then it is quite clear that it is the
leaders and their propaganda who want war: North Korea, ex Saddam Iraq,
Syria- terrorist war, Yugoslavia, ex Taliban- Afghanistan
In that case their is always a dictator who bases his power on a fascist
Ideology, call it ethnic cleansing, communist or fundamental Islam.
In most significant countries in the post cold war with the exception
of China their is no fascist ideology. The problem occurs with smaller
So get a condemnation at the war crime tribunal of the dictator, get
a mandate from the UN to outlaw him, and bomb his palaces and bunker
selectively until you kill him and modern technology combined with good
intelligence from our allies allow that. Then turn over nation rebuilding
to the United Nations.This process avoid a full scale war in most cases
and could have been a choice for Iraq.
The other old way was to impose economic sanctions on the rogue Nation
and that should be abandoned because it harms first and foremost the
People who are innocent in their vast majority.
It seems the appropriate action to go if you are a believer in democracy
is: Kill the tyrant in order to free the people and end their suffering.The
life of one scoundrel versus the life of thousand of innocent People.
the Choice should have been an easy choice a long time ago.
In addition to the fact that you eliminate a criminal and that his regime
will collapse with him because these regimes are always based on one
man, you reinforce the CONCEPT of Democracy which is the government
of the People by the People.
In case of elimination of the leader of a Democracy, the vice president
takes over or the senate majority leader takes over. Our regime which
is a Democracy does not collapse and does not even change a bit because
it is the representation of the People in the Nation.
In the case of small very underdeveloped Nations of Africa the Problem
is different because fundamentally none of these Nations are Nations.
They are tribes reunited under an artificial name and they wage war
between tribes and religion.
Most dictators in these Nations are corrupt and always replaced by another
corrupt dictator.
On the plus side for the rest of the world, they do not harbor terrorists
with the exception of Sudan and do not present a threat for the rest
of the world. They should be helped to achieve Democracy without corruption,
this is going to take a long time. However they should be held accountable
by the war crime tribunal for their countless massacres .
We will address these issues in four
different sections:War against Iraq, Nuclear crisis with North Korea,
Israel and the Palestinians,The Economic plan, Racism and the White
WAR AGAINST IRAQ: using the patriotic fiber in each American
President Bush is trying to drag the American people in a war that he painted falsely as
Righteous and Necessary. The President literally pulled a war out of his hat and made it
its top priority.
Even with a good dose of bad faith the government was unable to link Iraq to any Muslim Al
Quaida terrorist group. Iraq until recently was an anti Muslim faith based State.
All evidences show that this war is Wrong and Not Necessary.( For more details on the
righteousness of this war see article: WAR AGAINST IRAQ )
Who was the first cleaning team in place:
Secretary of State Colin Powell was the only one in the Government to convince President
Bush to go through the process of going through a resolution of the United Nation to
Disarm Iraq using the peaceful process of United Nations weapon Inspectors and if that
failed War could be an option Not a certainty as President Bush wished.( In addition I
believe that President Bush Senior his father probably expressed his inclination to go
through the United Nations. I could be wrong but I have such a high opinion of President
Bush senior that I believe he can be credited him that)
The results were encouraging, the United states were not seen through out the world as
treating with contempt absolutely every Nation in the world that did not agree with them
and the war was postponed. It was a Major step but not sufficient by itself in avoiding
the War.
The second cleaning team:
The ECC which regroup most European Nations spoke, with the exception of the English
government, for a peaceful disarmament of Iraq going through the United Nations and are
inclining further and further towards rejecting war as a mean to disarm Iraq.
Among the Western European Nations, France has the only Veto power save Britain and was
threatening to use its Veto power to stop an Automatic decision to go to war against Iraq
The results were that the USA were strongly informed that the largest Europeans Nations
save Britain will not follow the USA against Iraq without the case being made that Iraq is
a clear and present danger and in strong violation of the last United Nation resolution on
The third cleaning team
Russia and China. China was waiting for the western powers to sort out their differences
but was not inclined on a war against Iraq. China let hang in the air that they did not
completely discounted using their Veto power. Very recently (January 23th) they confirmed
that they were inclined to use their Veto Power.
Russia was adamant and forceful in threatening to use its Veto power if a war was declared
automatically on Iraq . The Russian position was a key element because of their Veto
right. They continue to hold a coherent politic which is opposing war against Iraq.
It is partly a self serving politic because Russia has economic interests in Iraq.
The result: Two large and still powerful nation Russia and China who opposed the US
government policy and threatened to Veto any war against Iraq thus making war against Iraq
more difficult.
The fourth cleaning team
The Arab Nations specifically the one close to Iraq are voicing more and more their
opposition to this war. They are organizing summits between leaders of the region to seek
alternative to this war.
The result: Because the American army needs military authorizations and bases in this
country to launch an attack against Iraq it reduces the capability of the American
military forces to operate against Saddam thus making a war more difficult to launch.
The Fifth cleaning team
The People in almost all the Nations in the world, I am talking about the Citizens and not
the Governments:
Almost all the people in the world including in Great Britain are opposed to the war
against Iraq. Polls after Polls about the war show with a large Majority the People
opposed to a war against Iraq. The People telling their government loud and clear, we do
not want to go to war against Iraq.
Successful demonstrations against the war were too held in many cities around the world
including in the USA.
The result: the beginning of an awareness in the USA that if absolutely all the people
around the world oppose a war against Iraq may be there is something to think about it.
The sixth cleaning team
Where is it? You would believe that after the entire world has voiced a strong desire not
to go to war against Iraq the representatives of the American People in Congress will have
spoken at least some of them against a war against Iraq, you would be wrong.
Only one senator Paul Wellstone and he is dead now spoke against this war six months ago
and only yesterday(January 22nd 2003) Senator Ted Kennedy plainly said that the war
against Iraq was the wrong war and he has to be commanded for his position.
The rest of the leaders of the country went along with the war against Iraq. It is a
dismal picture of the leaders of the Congress. They did not realize that President Bush
was deceiving their constituents by using the Automatic triggered response that is
Patriotism with such a Patriotic People. They totally failed to be leaders and to point
out that it was a war motivated not in the interest of the people of the United States.
Further more they failed to point out that an appeal to their Patriotism was being used to
deceived them on approving a war against Iraq.
The result:
An incredible lack of information from different angles and the absence of red flag to
warn the American People on how much their sacred Patriotism have been used to deceive
The seventh cleaning team
The ten next Presidents of the United States and the next three generation of American
citizens who will have to repair the damages created by the war against Iraq in the fabric
of our ex good relations with our allies and other Nations around the world.
Remember after September 11 we were the victims and almost every Nation in the world had
sympathy for us and liked us. The USA went from a Win Win situation to a Lose Lose
The result: A long and difficult process where disappointments will be many and reward few
The eighth cleaning team
The media: Regarding fairness and equity of time they have utterly failed. Not in not
voicing the argument of opponents to war. They failed because they were greedy. For them
the Images of US military might and the build up of armed forces with these full action
full color of Tanks rushing through the desert and Aircraft carriers launching
sophisticated airplanes were too good to attract audiences to pass.
Through the Images of war machines and troops they imbedded in the patriotic American mind
that war was a given. So much coverage has a strong effect if only by constant repetition
of the images thus making part of a normal life what should be an exception. Everybody
knows in marketing that to sell a product you need to show a good advertisement more than
seven times and then some.The Media showed again and again the war preparation to the US
citizen with its mighty images.
Through the repetition of such images they marketed and sold the war to the American
The result: They presold the war to the American people by an overwhelming showing of
images and lessen the ability to judge of the American People
The ninth cleaning team
It is the one that need to be invented and built
It is a team that has to find a way to help President Bush to save Face so he does not
have to go to war in order to rescue his ego and his Presidency. Remember now that more
and more troops are landing near Iraq. It will be easier for the President to wage a war
than to back down.
A solution to help him save face is vital.
The result:
If such a mediation team with the saving face concept is put together, then the war
against Iraq is averted.
The rest of the world has done his share, it is now time for their American
representatives in Congress to do the job they were elected for.
LA January 22, 2003
In a famous speech after September 11 President George Bush
included North Korea in the nations being part of the Axis of Evil. In June 2002 the CIA
and the government knew that North Korea was rebuilding its Nuclear program with military
potential but they did not revealed it to the American People. In December North Korea
broadcast that they had Nuclear capability. The US government added that the North Koreans
had probably two atomic bombs. Within a few weeks US allies stopped a cargo ship carrying
12 scuds missiles going to the future battle zone area with Iraq - Yemen- and the US
President gave the green light to release these - not defensive weapons - to Yemen, the
Birth nation of Osama Bin Laden and a harbor for terrorists who killed American and their
allied less than 2 years ago.
The USA strongly pursued an aggressive rhetoric, escalated the tensions, threatened the
North Korea and decided an embargo on oil and no discussions until the North Korean
started to dismantle their Nuclear Program. All these actions were done by the US
president without even a phone call to South Korea the first to suffer from a potential
Nuclear war and our long time ally.
The North Korean retaliated by expelling the United Nations weapon inspectors and
reactivating a Nuclear reactor with military potential.
The US then affirmed that they will not talk with North Korea before North Korea disarmed.
The US government had backed itself in a perfect dead end street.
Then in a complete reversing of tone the US government said
there was no crisis with North Korea and crawling on its belly eliminated any option on
war against North Korea who is a Nuclear threat including Missile capability. At the same
time President Bush continued a violent verbal attack on Iraq and showing his
determination to go to war against Iraq.
It is of course a lot easier to get reelected by beating down a weak crippled Nation that
to oppose a strong Nuclear Nation.
The American People are beginning to question the soundness of the Foreign Policy of
President Bush.
The first cleaning team
It came from a quite unusual side. It was the Democrat Governor of New Mexico the former
government official in the Clinton administration Mr Bill Richardson.
Governor Richardson was asked by the North Koreans to hold a series of meeting with him.
How bad is your foreign Policy when a nation that is trying to solve a grave crisis with
you turns to the opposition not even to a neutral mediator to overcome such a blind
The result: The American government opened the door for talks with North Korea and the
American Public are beginning to see how incompetent President Bush is.
The second cleaning team
Korea and Japan: They are both within range of North Korean missiles loaded with Nuclear
warheads. They began to voice their policy after witnessing the abject failure of
President Bush policy and his lack of communication even with them..
Basically their policy is the opposite of President Bush policy. They advocate talks and
the ease of tensions through negotiations. They are using regularly scheduled Negotiations
that were initiated to bring closer South and North Korea now for trying to compel the
North to abandon its aggressive Nuclear build up.
The result: The parties most liable to suffer from a war in the region will talk and
diffuse but not solve the crisis
The third cleaning team
Russia and China: They basically have taken the matter in their hand after witnessing the
poor American policy. They will exert alternatively pressure and offers until the
situation become less dangerous.The only obstacle being the American policy makers.
The result: The intelligence and experience of these two leaders could help solve the
crisis but the American government will lose a lot of credibility around the world.
The fourth cleaning team
The United nations: It is another puzzling initiative from the US government who is
demanding that this crisis should be handled now by the United Nations. It is worth
remembering that President Bush refused to work with the United Nations on the crisis with
Iraq and then was brought Kicking and Screaming to the concept of going through the United
Nation to solve the crisis with Iraq.
The result: Nobody understand what President Bush policy is and that is a major burden on
the other cleaning teams that are trying to solve the crisis and of course again a loss of
credibility abroad for the American Government.
The fifth cleaning team
Anybody but President Bush and his team.
President Bush policy is very simple: Do Nothing: President Bush
having created its own crisis in Iraq and North Korea has totally abandoned the Middle
east peace process.
However peace in the Middle east is the key to improve our relationship with dozen of Arab
states and a Billion of Muslims around the world.
It was also the key to have support in a war against Iraq
Cleaning teams:
Having been abandoned by the USA each and every country in the region is struggling in one
way or another to try to bring peace in the Middle east.
The list is long:
1) President Moubarak of Egypt, King Hussein of Jordan once the best allied of the USA are
disgusted by President Bush Policy and are left to fend their opponents alone.
2) The Saudi government, United Emirates trying to keep the crisis not escalating.
3) Lebanon, Syria playing a balancing act between helping terrorists and wanting to enter
the modern world symbolized by the USA.
4)The Labour party in Israel (Not in favor with the US Government) is trying to show that
cooperation with the Palestinian can work.
The result: Nothing much. As long as the US government do not take the benevolent role of
peace maker, instead of the bully role it is so found off nowadays nothing will happen.
It is by far the most difficult crisis to solve and it will take extremely talented
craftsmen in policy to solve it.
Amazingly there is hope if only that the opposing parties are
beginning to show small signs of weariness.
The actual Israeli Prime minister Mr Sharon has to go away and not be reelected. the
future knesset will be a transitional Knesset.
The Knesset after this one:
Will have to grant a Palestinian state with precise borders
Will have to build a physical strong fence around the border
Will have to choose a Prime Minister similar to Mr Barak
These changes will allow changes to take places; I will explain:
Today we are in the century old crisis system; you push me, I push you back, you push me I
push you and again and again, there is no room to maneuver in this system.
By building a strong border fence and granting a Palestinian
State you break this stupid and deadly I push you, you push me back system.
The fenced border stops almost completely this old system and gives you room to develop
something because your energy is not focused solely on pushing back. It does not mean that
the Fenced border will stay forever but it gives you breathing room to shift your strategy
from : I push you, you push me back.
Granting a Palestinian State eliminate the main revendication of the Palestinians.
In this new environment the USA can help formalize a peace.
But the USA instead is doing exactly the opposite by accepting the situation as it is
instead of working to create such a Changed environment.
President Bush introduced a bold economic plan; the core being
large tax cuts over ten years. The amount for the plan is 674 billions dollars. Half of
this amount more than $300 billions will be dedicated to abolish tax paid by companies on
stock dividends.
The rest will in almost its entirety be dedicated to tax cuts for married people, house
holds with children, lower bracket for low income family, small businesses.
By passing such a huge tax cut WHEN the Nation is entering years
of deficit you have to question the sanity of the designers of the tax cut.
The $300 billions dedicated to abolish taxes paid by companies on stock dividends have
two goals,
1)boost the Stock market to help President Bush reelection.
2)Cater to companies CEO, board members and large stock holders who are by a large
majority from the same party of the President, the Republican party and will vote for him.
President Bush trademark policy is to tailor made any of his actions to help him stay in
power and the good of the American People is almost never a priority.
Three major drawbacks in this plan
First: Their is no provision to clearly abandon War on Iraq. The uncertainty on Iraq is
the key element in damaging the Economy.
Second: The plan gives more money to the riches than the poor and it does not take a
rocket scientist to understand that a couple with children on a medium low income will
immediately spend money for children clothes or to change the old car than a well off
family with plenty of saving in stocks will.
Third: As years of recessions are forecasted ahead, this tax cut will increase the budget
deficit, lead the USA away from sound economic practices advocated by Alan Greenspan.
The Budget deficit which is what each American citizen owes to lenders on top of their
personal debts such as credit cards will increase very importantly.
The first Cleaning team
The American congress; they should divide the Amount of the Tax cut by two, getting rid
altogether of the elimination of the tax on stock dividends
The Results: hard to forecast but the Democratic party is such a mediocre entity that
expectations are not high.
The second cleaning team:
The American People; a team of 280 000 000 citizens who will be saddled with debts and
inflation in the future.
The result: from such a gigantic team who in this case is directly concerned, nothing will
happen and they will unfortunately trust their incompetent leaders.
The third cleaning team
Future generations will have to suffer from debts that they will have to reimburse one way
or the other
The result: Economic uncertainty.
It seems that President Bush policies are not only
detrimental but Dangerous for the country.
L A, January, 2002
1) Right after the Tragedy of
9/11/2001 President George Bush Junior had one of the highest rating a President ever had.
2) At the end at the Clinton Presidency the relation between Israel and the Palestinians
were not good but nothing to compare to what it is today. Two years ago you were able to
count the number of terrorists killing and Israelian killings in a month with the fingers
of your two hands today it is tens after tens of killings per month, sometime per week.
3) Most importantly President Bush and the American People with
him enjoyed from all other countries including most Arab countries a drive of sharing the
grief, a feeling of brotherhood, compassion, respect and a very strong desire to
share the Burden of fighting terrorism alongside the American People and their President.
That was a gigantic asset. We had the love and admiration of the rest of the world with
us. The strong stand taken against the Talibans by President Bush generated admiration and
support from all countries and their pledge to be our allies and partners in this war.
4) The head of the State we had been at war with for half a Century even if
it was a cold war was ready to become our best friend.
President Putin of Russia was swayed by the friendliness shown by President Bush . The
advantages to both sides were important:
From the Russian side
No more opposition from the USA in the war against Muslim
Chechenes assimilated now as terrorists by the American Government who had the opposite
stand two years ago and that removes a stumbling block for good relations.
A need for the USA to diversify its oil imports by favoring Russias oil thus
helping a development of Russia's economy.
A need for capital and loans and investment in general.
From the American side
A huge Market for American Agricultural and High Tech Products
A new powerful ally to balance the Western traditional allies
A new supplier of oil to lessen USA dependance on Saudi oil and the producers in the
It really looked like a marriage made in Heaven and President Bush had achieved the Best
relation the USA ever has had with the Russian Governement .
5) We had an uneasy relationship with North Korea but we were talking to them, we had UN
Nuclear weapons inspectors in North Korea, We had monitoring equipment in their Nuclear
facility. We had stopped one of their nuclear reactor capable of making Plutonium the base
element to manufacture an atomic bomb.
6) We were not on the path of war with Iraq which thank to the Gulf war ten years ago is
not a clear and present danger anymore.
7) When President Bush took office the economy looked good but a fair assessment is that
had being heading even before he took office towards a mild recession mostly due ( a very
rare fact) to a mediocre assessment by the central bank and a slow and poor answer from
the central bank which acted to burst the dot com bubble and got more devastating effect
that they expected.
1) President Bush rating are beginning to slip seriously
2) The amount of violence and killing Between Israel and the Palestinians is unprecedented
and on a scale that will insure hatred from generation to come.
What did President Bush do: Nothing and the killing continue, and due to President Bush
comments he succeeded while achieving nothing positive at all to raise in all arab
countries hatred against the American people.
On one hand we are farther than two years ago to solve the problem but President Bush has
succeeded in raising the level of hatred against the American People.
3) After President Bush decided to go to war unilaterally against Iraq he was able
to turn against the USA all the nations of the world but the UK and Quatar.
All western Allied , Russia, China, all the nations in the world and most importantly all
the People in the world suddenly viewed the USA as a nation that wanted a war for the sake
of his President desire to be reelected, to finish a job his father did not finish, to
secure oil reserve.
From a suffering People made sympathetic to the world through an act of
terrorism the perception of the rest of the world of the American People has totally
shifted thank to President Bush personal need to wage a personal war. The American People
are now viewed by the rest of the non Muslim world as greedy idiots following blindly a
profoundly unethical President going to war for personal revenge. The Muslim world is
devised between those with profound disgust and those with profound hatred for the USA.
4) After made to believe that President Bush was his friend, President Putin was
humiliated by being forced to swallow exactly what he did not want to do. And it was done
in the President Bush way of doing business abroad and it is : It is our way or the
Highway. President Putin did not like that and the government answer was: Tough!
It was about the anti balistic program known also as Star wars.
Putin answer was simple: Okay you show clearly that you do not treat me as an ally, let
alone a friend so I will follow my interest as selfisly as you have shown me how to do it
and I am signing lucrative contracts with Iraq and rebuiding a nuclear reactor in Iran.
President Bush was able to turn against the USA a powerful
country totally inclined to be our best ally in the world and which mutual interest were
5) Although militarily the government is showing that they cannot do anything because of
North Korea having Nuclear weapons President Bush decided to put an embargo on oil
shipping to North Korea. I believe the President does not understand the lesson of
History, It is the embargo on oil to Japan on the eve of war with Japan that backed up
Japan in a corner and triggered the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Naming North Korea part of an axis of evil and rejecting any negociations or talks with
North Korea government did not help of course.
It becomes plainly
stupid when the cost of the war to American soldiers and to allied such as Japan and South
Korea would be tremendous. It make the threat of a military option extremely not probable
and most importantly not credible from the perception the North Korean government have of
these action.
Bottom line we were going slowly and painfully to a more stable region in and around North
Korea. Now we are in the brink of war with North Korea with thousands of American
casualties now or later.
6) We are on the brink of war with Iraq and we would already be at war with Iraq if
President Bush had had its ways. Fortunately Colin Powell stepped in and I suspect
President Bush senior the father of the actual president and twisted Bush Junior arm to go
to the process of going through the UN instead of the USA acting like a band of
None the less the president has vowed over and
over again to go to war against Iraq and is preparing the USA to go to war. Lets
hope that the American people and the rest of the world will prevent this absolutly,
totally unecessary war.
The war against Irak is from the point of view
of the American people totally unwarranted and unnecessary.
The consequences could be as bad as Vietnam and will cement all muslims in the world
against the American People and making our allies see us as totally irresponsible.
7) Nobody in the government seems to understand that constantly threatening other nations
of retaliation or war and keeping a constant discour saying: We are going to war soon;
totally undermines American people confidence in the future in general and consequently a
worried American is a worried consumer and do not buy.The huge corporations wich were huge
donors to the Republican party are indicted of fraud or laying of people buy the
thousands, talk about Compassionate Conservatives.
What did President Bush who after the tragedy of 9/11 seemed to have everythin right de
to the American People today.
He brought to the Ameican People the Following achievements
A terrible handling of the Israelian Palestinian war. Mistrust and contempt from our long
time allied. Hatred from the muslim world. Mistrust and contempt from a very powerful
potential ally Russia. Raising the level of nuclear threat from North Korea. He put us on
the brink of an unnecessary war with Iraq. Increased a recession that seems to deepens.
How worse can you do when you are dealt with
a perfect winning hand and now end up with a loosing hand
President Bush has taken the
American people from a Win Win situation to a Loose Loose situation
in less than two years.
L A January 2003
The President of the USA in the summer of 2002 was all for having his
war almost alone against Saddam Hussein and Iraq. He did not want
to include the United Nations.
He and most of his advisors wanted a mano a mano, to finish a personal
feud with Saddam Hussein.
Incredibly the Democrats in the Senate
approved for President Bush to go to war against Iraq without the approval of
the United Nations.
On this occasion the elected Democrats showed how unfit their intelligence, leadership and
sense of history was and amazingly as we will see later that was a blessing in disguise.
None of the European allies of the USA except for Britain, none of the Arab allies of the
USA wanted a war without the seal of approbation of the United Nations.
Almost all the Republican old hands at foreign Politic such as Henry Kissinger strongly
advocated not to go at war against Saddam Hussein without a large coalition and the
blessing of the United Nations
President Bush and Vice President Cheney
continued anyway to declare that the USA will go to war alone against Saddam and without
the agreement of the United Nations. This constant desire to have a war with Saddam seems
very irrational.
Then the President made a U turn,a 180 degree
change of direction and decided to present the case of Iraq irregularities to the United
Nations and ask for a new resolution for the disarmament of Iraq.
It was Colin Powel who was able to make
President Bush Understand that the consequences for the USA to go to war without the
blessing of the United Nations would be of dramatic consequences all around the world for
decades and decades making the USA and its citizen no better in the mind of the Arabs than
Attila the HUN and its Mongols.
My feeling but it is only a feeling is that President Bush the Elder helped convinced him
to go through the United Nations hence building a large coalition.
In short the USA were going to loose the moral
ground that is rightfully their after having won World War One,World War two and the cold
War thus having repelled Sanguinary dictators and freed Millions of People.
Gaining the Moral ground is very difficult and
takes a very long time, loosing it comes very easily and swiftly.
The Ironic twist is that the elected Democrat having voted for unconditional war
against Iraq without going through the United Nation helped alleviate for President
Bush a feeling that Colin Powell sided with them as would have been the case if the
Democrats had voted going through the United Nations.
Colin Powell was thus not hindered in making the
case to disarm Saddam through the United Nations.
President Bush still have an opportunity, as he
continues to proclaim that if necessary he will go to war against Saddam Hussein by
Himself, to blunder in a gigantic proportion.
The consequences however for Colin Powell of his courageous and rational stand against the
rest of the extremely powerful member of the Bush Cabinet such as Vice President Dick
Cheney and secretarial of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld will be to receive a knife in the back.
The trap that is going to demolish Colin Powell
is probably already being thought out by his opponents inside the white House.
Nonetheless the American people should be
forever grateful to Colin Powell for preventing the whole world perceiving the USA
and its Citizens as a country populated by barbarian people led by a tyrant.
Democracy values have won for the time being a victory.
Colin Powell literally saved George Bush Junior his political neck.
If The USA under his guidance had gone to war
against Iraq Without the a UN resolution
George Bush Junior will have gone in History on a path of infamy.
He would have been the President who would have made every Arab Muslim in the world
the Enemy of each and Every American.
L A Nov 20 2002
What concept of military action should have been implemented against Iraq?
As Saddam Hussein is making many false excuses to delay and prevent the Inspectors to come
back in Iraq to find the sites where these weapons are stored, the DESTRUCTION of ILLEGAL
When Saddam did not want to let the UN inspectors find and destroy ILLEGAL WEAPONS then
Saddam should have suffered the consequences which are bombing sites that US and allies
intelligence believe are hiding weapons of mass destruction . We would have had to bomb
many more sites that if the weapons inspectors would have found but it would have been
Saddam fault not wanting to allow UN inspector to do their job
We the USA are a Nation of law who abides by the values of Democracy and the law of the
United Nation and we are helping in destroying the weapons of mass destruction which is
exactly the goal of the UN resolutions
If we go to WAR against Saddam it is not conceivable to risk many American and allied
lives from ground forces to punish a thug and a bandit with limited military power.
Saddam will be only too happy to drag the USA in a street fight where American soldiers do
not have technology superiority.
An absolute PRINCIPLE in beating an enemy is NOT to fight on his OWN TERMS.
INTENSE, CONTINUOUS, BOMBING CAMPAIGN with ground forces composed of indigenous soldiers
from Saddam opposition, guided by a handful of American Special forces is the answer.
will start from the beginning and assess what kind of war plan should be conducted against
Iraq :
In the beginning although no link to terrorism has been proven or even mentioned, the
President of the USA George Bush Junior decided it was time to go to war against Iraq. At
this time it was a surprise.
However it is the role of the President if he sees any danger for the Nation to lead the
Nation into an action that will eliminate this danger.
His first argument was Iraq is in possession of weapons of mass destruction and could use
them against his neighbors . However at this time and now there was an absolute
certainty that Iraq had no capacity to strike at the USA.
Only after his first argument was poorly received by the world community including Iraq
neighbors did he strengthen his case by adding a second argument which is that Iraq having
not complied with the program voted by the United Nations of weapons inspections, the USA
should go to war.
His reluctance to includes the United Nations is very clear from the beginning.
The right course of thoughts and action should have been the following.
I the President of the United States am reminding the world that Saddam Hussein the Iraq
absolute and ruthless dictator, perpetrator of war crimes by massacring his own people
with the use of weapon of mass destruction has been for the last ten years in
complete violation of the United Nations resolutions regarding the disarmament of Iraq.
The very reason that the United Nations voted resolutions setting a program of weapon
inspectors in charge of controlling and destroying Iraq's weapon of mass destruction is
that Saddam Hussein showed no qualm about using building and using weapons of mass
However we can be assured that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and
therefore is a threat to his neighbors.
What should have been done instead of Bragging to go unilaterally to a full scale war is
the following:
Inform the Americans and the world that Iraq cannot be allowed not to comply with the
United Nation resolutions which were adopted by a huge Majority 12 years ago and that
these Weapons of mass destruction should be destroyed which was the will of the United
As Saddam Hussein is making many false excuses to delay and prevent the Inspectors to come
back in Iraq to find the sites where these weapons are stored, the DESTRUCTION SHOULD GO
by bombing sites that US and allies intelligence believe are hiding weapons of mass
destruction .
The answer to American or world opposition to this kind of Military action is that:
We the USA are a Nation of law who abides by the values of Democracy and the law of the
United Nation and we are helping in destroying the weapons of mass destruction which is
exactly the goal of the UN resolutions
Using this strategy the USA should hold the moral ground by being simply the arm of the
United Nation and enforcing resolutions that were Unanimous.
Using this strategy the USA could have totally shifted the blame on Saddam Hussein who
would then be the renegade that do not abide by the law of the United Nations.
Using this strategy the USA should put the United nations in a spot where it is almost
impossible for the United Nations to say
" No I do not want any nation to help us enforce our laws"
The USA should Bomb with a 15 minutes warning to civilians Iraq weapons sites very
intensively starting by simultaneously bomb the eight Saddam Hussein Palaces - Compounds.
and continue bombing until all suspected sites are destroyed .
We are talking of a massive sustained campaign that should not be stopped if Saddam after
the first round of bombing declare that he will welcome back the UN inspectors, Saddam by
his constant lies has forfeited his right to be trusted in any way shape or form.
IF the UN inspectors resume their inspection but Saddam stops them again then BOMBING OF
SUSPECTED SITES should be implemented in a dense and continuous way
The US army can be assured that Saddam will retaliate by using some action, may be even
weapons of mass destruction or opening his arms to Terrorists which will the allow the USA
to systematically by precision bombing destroy each and every tank, gun or missile
Regime change will come as a consequence, a Military dictator without even the trace of an
Army is so weak that it becomes very easy to topple him.
Why when your are the most powerful Democracy in the world, the first Democracy created in
the Modern world, a Democracy that worship the rule of law inside the country, would
you from the beginning reject every course of action that reflect the values of
The problem is that the President and his adviser want to finished the UNFINISHED BUSINESS
that was President Bush Senior mediocre termination of the Gulf war.
They wanted so bad a full scale war USA versus Saddam that they do not even understand the
Equation and How to solve it and the ramification around the world.
A full blown war with ground troops against Iraq will be worst for the USA than 10 Vietnam
LA Nov 11 02 02
* After it was known that the war against Iraq was going to be
a ground war with potentially an important number of American casualties, the majority of
the American people was against a war against Iraq.
* The President and his cabinet were adamant at going to
war against Iraq without the approuval of the United Nations.
* The American people in a 2 to 1 majority did not want to
go to war without the approuval of the United Nations
* The Congress which is the organ designed to represent the citizen
voted in its immense majority for a war against Iraq without seeking the approuval of the
United Nations
* Why is there such a contradiction and why Democracy did not function?
* The Constitution of the USA is one of the best in the world and
provide a system of checks and balances that enable the voice of the American people not
to be stifled.
* The Congress of the USA which is composed of the Senate and the House
of Representatives is the voice of the American people.
* The Congressmen and Congresswomen are the spokespersons for the
American People.
*They failed to represent the will of the American People.
The American People, the citizens of the USA began to be informed officially about
the way the war on Iraq will be conducted when the government described a plausible
scenario for the conduct of a war against Iraq . This scenario included a
large ground force and the conquest of Baghdad with street combats which experts
translated into relatively large amount of American casualties.
More than 70% of the American people did not want to go to war against Iraq without the
approuval of the Unoted Nations
The support in the polls from the American
people for such a ground war was less than 50%
The message was simple and clear:
We the American people do not want a war with Iraq under these circumstances.
The President of the United States believed strongly
that for the good of the American People
the USA should go into an all out war with Iraq.
His role is to lead the American People in the direction he feels most beneficiary for
them and he was appropriately fulfilling his role.
Is there a way or a mechanism in a modern Democracy to follow the
definition of Democracy which is " Democracy is the Government of the People by the
YES it is called the system of Check and balance. It is the essence of
the Constitution of the USA where any of the three powerful branches of the government;
the executive being the President, the legislative being the Congress with the House of
representative and the Senate and the Judiciary with the courts and above all the Supreme
Courts can and should moderate any exaggeration of the power exercised by any
of the three branches.
In our case the American People will was not to go to war with Iraq under
the circumstances described by the Executive power that is their President. It
seemed to be a very easy case. The Congressmen and women elected by the
American People which main task is to represent them and make laws or resolutions
accordingly to the American People will was certainly going to vote a resolution that will
NOT authorize war on Iraq under the actual circumstances.
WRONG, the Congress in an immense majority voted
for a war with Iraq.
The Senate which is always considered the " Wise
chamber" voted 89 to 90 to authorize the President to take the USA into a war with
Why do we have :
On one hand the American People who do not want to go to war with
Iraq under the circumstances offered by the President
On the other hand their very own representatives such as Senators whose mandate is to
faithfully represent them, their concerns, their desire who decided to vote
to go to war with Iraq under the circumstances offered by the President.
The only explanation is that the representative of the American People in the
Senate as well as those in the House of representatives thoroughly Betrayed
their electors, the very people who voted for them so they could through them have a voice
and a vote in the Congress which is the essence of Democracy.
These Congressmen and Congresswomen did not betrayed
them half way.
In the Senate the vote for war 89 TO 90.and in the House an almost
similar majority
It is a perfect example of Congressmen and Congresswomen seeking short term
political gains by voting against their constituents will.
They voted by following the political winds instead of following the principle of
Democracy framed in the Constitution by the Founding fathers .
It is then very easy to see why the American people have so little respect for their
Congressmen and Congresswomen
L A Oct 23 02
* The USA go to war and WIN the war
* Will our
children and grand Children be better off after we make most of the Muslims in the world
the enemy of the American people?
* Is it a
coincidence that the very same leaders who won the previous war against Iraq and bungled
the cease fire and the peace treaty want again to go to war and finished what is called
* Why from the
very beginning did the Government abandoned the moral ground by refusing to go through a
UNITED NATIONS resolution and why only recently after pressure from the elder and wiser is
the President coming around?
* Winning the war
against IRAQ is the first step towards a quagmire in the Middle East and all the Arab
Muslim nations that Will make the Vietnam quagmire look small in comparison.
* American lives
by the hundreds are going to be lost because The President and his advisers wanted to play
* For the next 50
years the American people as civilians will be killed again and again
* The USA
government is doing its best by sheer incompetence to recreate a block of enemy against
the USA. The difference is that instead of being COMMUNISTS from the Soviet Union they are
* The level of
knowledge and competence of the Government and the President in the political science of
World affairs, Geopolitical vision and even plain History is abysmally low.
In any Major Presidential decision or Congress decision there is only one criterion that
should be
applied, only one thought process that should be followed, only one question that should
be answered:
Will the American people, and more importantly their children and their grand
children be much better of after the decision is taken and implemented?
The very beginning
Do you remember how this new call to arms began, almost hard to remember.
In fact there was nothing new from Iraq and the American government began to rattle the
There is one hypothesis for how it began and it is the Unfinished
Business hypothesis which is the following:
All the influential people today in President
Bush Junior were the decision makers that conducted the war ten years ago and won it
against Sadam Hussein.
But obviously they bungled the Cease fire and the Peace treaty.
It is eating them because Sadam is as menacing as before the war and defying them.
Add to that the fact that the son is trying to do the business that President Bush the
father did not finished and you have an epic tale where the son wants to avenge the
father's honor.
So they have to go again to finish the business and restore their Ego and
We will probably never know the truth because by now the main participants convinced
themselves that they are trying to start this war for the good of the American people.
However there is a troubling fact.
What was surprising if this call to arm was not a vendetta, why in the beginning the
President repeatedly said that the USA will go to war alone if needed and did not even
extensive talks with the UNITED NATIONS . It really made it look like a vendetta.
The fact that the American President said that the USA will go alone and
continue to threaten to go alone is a Blunder of Gigantic proportion.
This blunder destroys the last 55 years of very hard work from the leading Western
countries including the very USA to make the planet safer by following international
IF it is okay to go and bust a country when it
is not a case of self defense orwithout consulting or bringing your case in front of
the UNITED NATIONS, why people in the USA do not try to bust their neighbor house because
the neighbor has behaved badly.
The reason the American people are called civilized is because they call the police and
then go in front a judge to settle a problem .
The legacy of contempt for the UNITED NATIONS
and for the rule of international law is going to be a Pandora box with more American
bloodshed ahead.
After working slowly, painfully towards a more civilized planet we are embarking in tribal
warfare and showing the whole word that The USA does not care a dime about the UNITED
NATION and the rule of law .
The legacy for our children is going to be
Since President Bush junior first declaration,
the only person in his government and his inner circle to advocate bringing the case to
the United nations seems to be Colin Powell .
All the other who are supposed to be very experienced statesmen are for bypassing the
All the older, renown and wiser political
figure in his own party such as Henry Kissinger are advocating going through the UNITED
Due to these pressures the President had come
reluctantly to a discourse more oriented towards the UNITED NATIONS while continuing to
repeat that the USA under his leadership will go alone.
However the record shows that the President could not care less about international rule
that the USA have gained by saving the world in the two last World War and in the Cold
war. Thousands of American soldiers gave their life to save the world and gain the moral
By showing that He President Bush is willing to
go IN THE FIRST PLACE ALONE to destroy an ARAB Nation, He is eradicating the gains
won by American soldiers at the cost of their lives in the two previous world war and
living our Children in a world where it will be very easy for the Arab world and other to
say: "Well the role model said it is okay to destroy your neighbor even
when it is not self defense or even when there is no immediate and present danger so we
can do it too".
During these developments the Democratic party
has been inconsistent, confused, inefficient and above all lead by self interest in the
next election and not doing at all the business of the American people in such an
important matter.
The Democratic party is showing what cowardice and self interest combined can do to
hide facts to the American people
What will be your reputation and the opinion of
your family and friends for the rest of your life if you a super athlete, 6.6 feet, 300
pounds of muscle and the training of Ninja engaged in beating to death a 3 feet, 60 pounds
little person, Your reputation as a normal decent human being will be ruined for ever,
even if you had very good reason to suspect the little person of bad behavior.
That is exactly what President Bush was
trying to ram into the throat of the American people and the UNITED NATION and all our
One of the consequences for our children of
abandoning the moral ground is that each and every Muslim in the world can justify hating
the American and even worst Allied Arab governments will not have any ground left to
defend any action of the American government who acted as a the warlord of a band of
thugs. Because of Democracy the American people are collectively responsible of their
government actions.
The Legacy for the American people their
Children and Grand Children will be far worst that Vietnam.
Winning the next war against Iraq without the
approval of the UNITED NATIONS is the worst set back for the USA that will happen since
the Vietnam war .
The very very sad element is that the President
and most of his advisors will accept going through the UNITED NATION for the wrong
reasons notably pressure from the elders in the party and not because they understand:
It is really appalling to witness their lack of long-term vision, Geopolitical education
and History knowledge.
The lack of mid and long term vision is frightening in a government that is the government
of the most powerful nation in the world.
WINNING the war against Iraq without a Mandate of the UNITED NATIONS is going to bring a
lot more harm to the future generations of American than dealing with Iraq through the
Even if the USA wins the war the President
of the USA puts the American people in a
LOOSE LOOSE situation
Eric Lafayette Oct/28/2002
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* The fact that a very important
part of the MUSLIM Arabs around the world Hates the American is undeniable.
* Crushing one of the MUSLIM Arab
nations is not going to turn the Muslims into Friends
* Not only talking about it but
implementing a MARSHAL plan is the solution.
* Building Hospitals and Mosques in
these countries with help from our allies in funding them is the Solution.
* Starting a strong Education and
Public relation campaign aimed at the residents from these countries is a big part of the
* An example as a Showcase of
American generosity and care fore the MUSLIM word implemented in Afghanistan will speak a
thousand words
How an enlightened government should govern and solve the
The Solution into the Hatred shown by the Muslim nations towards the
USA should be solved in the following ways:
In case of States ruled by tyrannical
Furthermore the USA should sponsor the building of a huge mosques in
each of the Muslim countries in order for the USA to attract
them as friend. Most of the financing should be easily obtained by asking
the oil rich countries such as Saudi Arabia to pay for these Mosques.
Helping with Schools and Education is of paramount importance
Among the many advantages obtained the USA will show a leadership where
it really count in these country,
a leadership in values. The strongest value in these
countries is the Muslim religion.
If well managed this policies could induce
the Domino's theory in our favor.
Other Muslims nation could witness
and retain the following things.
1) The USA is very supportive of Islam because they
build Mosques
2) They Care about People because they build Hospitals and schools.
3) They brought Peace and prosperity .
It has to be done this way for the sake of our
children and grand children,
Unfortunately the actual government is already
showing signs that they have no Policy
to apply after the war. The proof being that the highly esteemed President of the new
government of Afghanistan had to publicly beg for after war more substantial help.
He should never had to do that.
On two occasions the USA were very successful in going to war, winning the war and
establishing a long lasting peace in the region where the conflicts had taken place and
establishing cordial and fruitful relationship with the two vanquished nations
What were these occasions:
1)The defeat of Hitler Nazi Germany.
2)The defeat of Fascist Japan
This was implemented by men of large and Far Sighted Vision such as George Marshall. The
actual government even with a nation to help much smaller that Germany or Japan is unable
to even begin something tangible.
It makes a lot of sense to apply the same successful policy starting with Afghanistan.
L A Oct 18 02